Sunday, June 02, 2024

Lynnette Hintze: As I See It

See the latest column from Lynnette Hintz here!

Updated 2 years, 5 months ago

17 million words (or so): that’s all she wrote

Well, dear folks, the time has come for me to put down my pen — back away from the computer is more like it — and …

Updated 3 years, 10 months ago
Traveling salesmen enriched our lives

“Mom, the Rawleigh man is here,” I remember calling out to my mother every couple of months during my childhood. It was my duty to alert her of any incoming traveling salesmen — and there were several regulars — so…

Updated 3 years, 10 months ago
Life as we knew it

A coworker and I were taking a short walk on Wednesday in the Inter Lake neighborhood to refresh and regroup, and were mulling over the news of the day. The governor had just issued his directive mandating masks an…

Updated 3 years, 11 months ago
Condiment war: Ketchup versus mustard

Every Fourth of July, when hot dogs inevitably are on the menu at most family picnics, the battle between ketchup and mustard resurfaces at the Hintze household. Actually it’s an ongoing spat.

Updated 3 years, 11 months ago
Dad’s love of music lives on

Dad’s been gone 11 years, but his music still plays in my mind.

Updated 4 years ago
‘Stepping’ into the Fitbit routine

My daughter Heather gave me a Fitbit for Mother’s Day, so I am now among the millions of people who are slaves to the wearable fitness tracker strapped to their wrist.

Updated 4 years ago
A tribute to mothers of all ages

It’s been an extraordinary year so far for everyone as the COVID-19 pandemic has dropped the bottom out of our normal lives. Even as we inch our way toward what seems normal, everything is different than our pre-pa…

Updated 4 years, 1 month ago
Mom’s fate is out of our hands

I got a text from my brother Rodney early Friday morning, with a screenshot of the notification he’d just received from the nursing home in Minnesota where my 91-year-old mother is a resident. It was what we feared…

Updated 4 years, 1 month ago
C-Falls opts to delay resort tax start date

The Columbia Falls City Council last week voted to delay an implementation of a proposed 3 percent resort tax until October 2021.

Updated 4 years, 1 month ago
Jigsybelle: an Easter bunny for all time

Editor’s note: This column originally was published April 25, 2011, in the Daily Inter Lake.

Updated 4 years, 1 month ago
Finding the beauty in our ‘Groundhog Day’

I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels as if they’re trapped in the movie “Groundhog Day,” where Bill Murray is forced to live the same day over and over again.

Updated 4 years, 2 months ago
Marching through a no-good month

March, we’ve got to quit meeting like this. You’re a bad month and you know it. I want out of this relationship.

Updated 4 years, 2 months ago
Marching through a no-good month

March, we’ve got to quit meeting like this. You’re a bad month and you know it. I want out of this relationship.

Updated 4 years, 3 months ago
'Cemetery' lives to haunt me again

I had an unsettling flashback on the day of the Flathead County Spelling Bee, the annual showdown of top spellers held Feb. 13 this year.

Updated 4 years, 3 months ago
‘Cemetery’ lives to haunt me again

I had an unsettling flashback on the day of the Flathead County Spelling Bee, the annual showdown of top spellers held Feb. 13 this year.

Updated 4 years, 3 months ago
Tired of winter? Go jump in a lake

I’m here to state the obvious: winter makes people crazy.