Friday, May 31, 2024

Local author publishes new thriller

| May 12, 2022 12:00 AM

Local author Debbie Burke's seventh thriller, “Until Proven Guilty,” was published in March.

Series characters Tawny Lindholm and attorney Tillman Rosenbaum discover DNA is not the be-all-end-all in three interlocking cases of questionable identity. The truth leads to a crisis in their marriage and an unthinkable threat to their family.

“Until Proven Guilty” is for sale as an ebook at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple Books. Paperbacks are available at local bookstores.

Burke's sixth thriller, “Flight to Forever,” was named a finalist for the 2022 Eric Hoffer Book Award.

Burke will speak to Montana Women Writers at noon June 24 at Great Harvest Bread Company in Kalispell. The subject is "Draft2Digital - (Almost) Painless Publishing."


About the author

Debbie Burke is a suspense novelist, award-winning journalist, and blogger at The Kill Zone, a popular website focused on mystery, suspense and thriller books. Her Tawny Lindholm Thriller series plunges the crime-solving heroine into fast-paced twisty plots with quirky characters and snappy dialogue. As a founding member of the Authors of the Flathead, Burke is active in the vibrant writing community of her home state of Montana and helps plan the annual Flathead River Writers Conference. She enjoys speaking at local schools and mentoring young writers.