Saturday, June 01, 2024

Letters to the editor Dec. 8

| December 8, 2022 12:00 AM

Fuller’s opinion

While I agree with Shawn Reagor’s opinion (Inter Lake wrong to publish Rep. Fuller’s opinions, Dec. 4), in principle, regarding John Fuller, I would encourage the Inter Lake to continue publishing Mr. Fuller’s ridiculous ravings so the people he supposedly represents can see how ignorant he is and what he really stands for.

While the argument can certainly be made that the people get the government they deserve, in the case of Mr. Fuller, I’m not sure anyone deserves him, but that’s a subject for another time.

Suffice it to say that the electorate seriously needs to start educating themselves before casting their ballots instead of always voting for the candidate with a certain letter after their name or the coveted NRA endorsement. And yes, I am a gun owner.

Mr. Fuller says he “understand(s) the concerns of any group of people who feel they might be singled out for acts of violence,” but as he is a white heterosexual male in a conservative state, I can’t help but wonder if that’s true. Then to suggest that the LGBTQ community’s concerns are less valid because they are only a small group out of several who are at risk and they have a lower body count than other groups is ludicrous. Way to devalue a group of humans, John.

Our self-proclaimed protector of the children then claims that personal safety is one’s own responsibility and that to call on law enforcement is immoral because that would imply that an LEO’s life is less valuable than that of the person seeking assistance. As a veteran, he must surely see how illogical that is. Those of us who serve, whether it be in the military, law enforcement or in some other calling generally take that oath out of a perceived obligation to protect our community or nation, not because of a personal need for self-aggrandizement (although I often doubt that applies to politicians).

He then proceeds to contradict that statement, saying that it is indeed the state’s responsibility to provide protection. Well, John, if denying medical care, counseling and a well rounded education, free of your religious indoctrination, is “saving” the children, then I would suggest that you stay away from my children.

I also don’t subscribe to Fuller’s idea that the medical community looks at providing care to trans people solely as a money-making venture. Health care is big business and any procedure performed is expected to make money. A patient’s potential confusion will have been addressed prior to treatment. Minors won’t be receiving treatments without parental consent, and I don’t believe the consent of Mr. Fuller nor his God is required. In fact, Mr. Fuller, it’s none of your damn business.

Lastly, I don’t think Mr. Fuller’s motivations come from hate. I think they come from fear. Why are you so afraid of people who are different from you? You really know nothing about them; how they feel, think, live and love. Keep your beliefs out of politics, John. They don’t belong there, and if you can’t keep them separate, then neither do you.

— Tim Wiley, Kalispell

Winter trail etiquette

Hikers, here’s some food for thought about winter etiquette: Recently I laid down a nice virgin XC ski track in the new powder on North Spencer mountain, adjacent to an existing walking/showshoe track. Unfortunately, upon my descent I found that two inconsiderate (or simply ignorant) hikers had bulldozed the new ski track into oblivion. Definitely not cool, especially if you buy into the new Outside Kind philosophy. So everyone, please “Stay in Your Lane!”

— Steve Barrett, Kalispell