Saturday, June 01, 2024

Law roundup: Perfect aim or great miscalculation?

by Daily Inter Lake
| April 1, 2022 12:00 AM

A woman was struck by the sight of an arrow allegedly shot through her front windshield.

Someone didn’t find a needle in a haystack, but they did find a need in a field.

Someone voiced their concerns about reportedly seeing two older men dragging a woman to the Kalispell Police Department.

A man allegedly checked on a vehicle he had up for sale and found someone had broken into it and made a bed in the backseat.

Someone snatched a gas can off a man’s trailer, but he later got it back and a woman was advised of her warrant.

A man in a green coat allegedly went into a lobby and asked a front desk employee to call someone. He then left, put on white gloves and walked around the property “eyeballing things.” When the employee asked him to leave, he swore at them and started looking in the windows of parked cars before leaving on a bicycle and later returning to look at more cars.

A man allegedly threw something in a woman’s hair. The woman claimed the man harassed her on an ongoing basis, was always yelling at her children and “acted very racist” toward them.

A young kid reportedly yelled obscenities at an employee who asked him to leave the location and they asked officers to move him along after he went behind the building.

A constantly barking dog reportedly tries to bite people through a fence.

An intoxicated man was allegedly seen stumbling around and drinking in a car.

A tent was reportedly set up along a bike path

A man wearing a pink bandana around his neck was reportedly chased down as he tried to flee the scene of a store after shoplifting while yelling about him and his wife being hungry. He received a citation and a lifetime ban from the store.

A woman with “bedhead hair” was allegedly in the mall parking lot “screaming in the air and at anyone that walks by.” Mall security asked officers to move her along and advise her she would be trespassing if she returned.

A man wearing a black beanie and a plaid shirt was reportedly tagging a bridge with graffiti. Officers issued a citation and he was released.

Someone was concerned that people inside a vehicle with tarps on the window(s) were “on drugs.”

About 35 minutes was enough for someone to tire of four to five people who were allegedly hanging around a back parking lot “swearing vulgar words,” drinking and smoking and asked officers to assist in moving them along.

A woman became nervous while using the ATM because she saw a man standing in a parking lot. Officers watched the man walk toward a grocery store.