Saturday, June 01, 2024

Kalispell's 'Flag Man' battles heat to peddle Old Glory

Daily Inter Lake | July 4, 2021 12:00 AM

Rain or shine, numbing cold or stifling heat, Kalispell's "Flag Man" can be found peddling his wares in the same place he has for the past seven years.

With temperatures approaching triple digits late Wednesday morning, 59-year-old Al Wellenstein was in his familiar spot near the intersection of Hutton Ranch Road and West Reserve Drive (behind Home Depot) with his usual selection of American flags, hats, roses and more.

Wellenstein spends four hours each weekday at the intersection, or other spots around the area, waving his handful of flags at passing cars and hoping to brighten the days of anyone passing by.

A licensed street vendor, Wellenstein battles the elements to make a living.

"Sometimes people look at me like I am panhandling or like I am doing something wrong, but I am out here trying to earn an honest living," Wellenstein said. "I've sold pencils and pens and flags and shoes and boots and hats. You name it, I've sold it. The good Lord takes care of me out here. I live off the generosity of people and of the Lord, especially at this time of year."

Born in California but, in his words, from all over, Wellenstein worked as a self-employed handyman and window cleaner in California, but lost his business in 2008 when the economy tanked and no one wanted to pay to have windows cleaned.

After multiple car and motorcycle accidents, as well as several falls at work, left him disabled, Wellenstein began his wandering journey around the country, now collected in his two self-published books, "Life and Times of a Rich Hobo" and "Living the Dream," which he sells alongside his flags and flowers.

According to Wellenstein, the books chronicle his travels, adventures, misadventures, mishaps, near-death experiences, pain and suffering, as well as his laughs, triumphs, miracles and times experiencing God's healing.

"I'm rich in Christ, rich in stories and rich in adventures," he said.

WHEN HIS travels brought him to Kalispell seven years ago, Wellenstein found himself homeless and looking for a way to make a living.

"I was disabled and living on the streets and couldn't think of anything else I could haul around other than some little flags," he said. "I went to a parade and sold some flags that brought in some pretty good money, so I was kind of hooked from there. Some days I can make two bucks out here and other days I end up with full pockets."

Now, with a smile on his face, a hearty laugh and stories for anyone who will listen, Wellenstein dons his American flag patterned necktie to greet passing cars in all kinds of weather.

"It can get pretty rough out here in the winter and summer. I've been standing out here selling my flags when it was minus 30 degrees and in heat of a hundred degrees or more," he said. "Yesterday was pretty hot, but at least we have a breeze today. Some days are a struggle and some days are good."

The good days helped Wellenstein off the streets and into an apartment for a time, but he now finds himself once again living out of the car he bought from a friend for $300 a few years ago. This time, though, he says it was his decision, not a necessity.

"Rent is extremely hard to come up with now and getting worse every day," he said. "I have the money for an apartment, but I just don't want to spend it on a room just to have a bunch of noisy people around me."

Using a wet bandana and a rag to stay cool, Wellenstein plans to continue manning his spot at the intersection despite the hot temperatures and hopes to publish two more books he has already written by the end of this year, "Street Journals from the Pits of the Palace" and "Short Stories of the American Peddler."

"I don't rely on people. I rely on the good Lord above to get me through," Wellenstein said. "It can be rough out here, but the people who treat you well make up for the ones who don't."

Reporter Jeremy Weber may be reached at 406-758-4446 or


Kalispell's Al Wellenstein endures temperatures over 100 degrees on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, to sell flags, flowers and other wares at the intersection of West Reserve Drive and Hutton Ranch Road. (Jeremy Weber/Daily Inter Lake)


Kalispell's Al Wellenstein has spent the past seven years making a living by selling flags, hats, flowers and other goods as a street vendor. His wares are photographed Wednesday, June 30, 2021, at the intersection of West Reserve Drive and Hutton Ranch Road. (Jeremy Weber/Daily Inter Lake)(Jeremy Weber/Daily Inter Lake)