Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Racoons move into ‘weird’ part of town

| March 4, 2020 2:00 AM

A city sewer employee allegedly saw a “strange package in a weird area” he thought Kalispell Police Department might want to look at. It possibly turned out to be a “makeshift raccoon house.”

Someone’s daughter allegedly overheard two boys on a school bus talking about breaking into a school on Fourth Avenue West to plant a bomb that night. Extra patrol was conducted and the school resource officer was advised of the situation.

A woman’s husband purportedly went “on a binger” and stayed at a motel where his vehicle went missing and she wasn’t sure if it was stolen or towed. She later located the vehicle at another business and wanted to let police know she didn’t wish to pursue theft charges and gave the vehicle to the business owner “to do what he wants with it.” She further advised police that the motel was a “bad place” and to “keep an eye on it.”

Someone was concerned about rabbits in the area.

A hotel employee reportedly believed three people might be dealing drugs from two rooms due to the level of people coming and going and requested a civil standby while they were removed from the property.

A residence on Seventh Street West and Ninth Avenue West reportedly raised the suspicions of someone who called police for advice after claiming people were“methed out” and that there were multiple friends over at all times.

Someone allegedly bought a motorcycle months ago and had a bill of sale, but the seller still had the title and was now demanding more money and threatening to report it stolen.

A man riding his bike purportedly saw a couple of people on top of a South Main Street building, but was “not interested in giving much information.”

Several customers allegedly saw a man in a white vehicle acting suspiciously by following someone and driving slowly around the area of a West Idaho Street.

Eight 6-by-6-by-12 wood beams were reported stolen from a job site.