Saturday, June 01, 2024

A grandmother's lament for a holiday without loved ones

by Jacqueline Elm
| December 25, 2016 12:00 PM

After reading about Maurita Johnson’s appointment to the Division of Child and Family Services, I am hoping that Ms. Johnson will take on the task of cleaning up an extremely broken system that is causing far more harm to our children, and families, than good.

I am one of the many grandparents, trying to cope with the corruption of Child Protective Services. Currently I am battling for the return of my granddaughter, who has been in our lives since birth. Does CPS really try to keep families together? Not in my experience.

After 17 years of struggling to keep our grandfamily intact, we have incorporated Grandfamilies of Montana Inc, a non-profit organization that advocates for the needs of grandfamilies. Our mission statement is “To provide Grandfamilies with the resources, education, and support to ensure the best possible future for the children.”

As Mr. Jay Walton said in the AP article, we will also continue to fight for our rights, and the rights of the children we love. We can be reached at and/or (406) 300-1268.



I’m sitting in the living room, although nothing but heartache seems to live here these days. I’m staring at the tree that Ella and I found at the Salvation Army. It was so pretty when we brought it home. We plugged it in and the oodles of tiny lights twinkled at the edge of the branches. Fiber optics! Wow what a score! Ella loves sparkly things.

We oohed, ahhhed, and wrapped a blanket around the base. With Christmas carols playing, we broke out the ornaments, each one having a story to tell. Unfortunately, amid our celebration, the lights went out. I quickly considered the situation. Fuse perhaps; no, unplugged; no, smell of smoke; yes, under the blanket; yes. Oh dear, we’d cooked the motor by covering it with the blanket. Hmmmm ... no problem, string of colorful lights, and voila! Back to decorating, laughing at our ignorance all the while.

Here she sits before me. The same tree naked as a newborn. Year after year Ella goes through the family ornaments. Every year I give each child an ornament that portrays an event in their life that year. Ella and her little sister Lucy, one by one unwrap the details of their lives and the family they love. The finished product is always a journey through memories and an eclectic celebration of love, family and memories.

Every year, we all sit back and marvel at the finished product which is always a bit heavier at the bottom than top. Then we’re treated to the show of twinkling, chiming, melodies, actions and words that the most exotic ornaments put forth. Ella and Lucy dance around the tree and present the “Parade of Ornaments”. Every year we revel in the enthusiasm of our two merry elves. Every year, but this one. This year the ornaments remain in the closet waiting.

As Nana and Grandpa sit back and admire the work of art, the two elves dash to the basement project room, which has been off limits for weeks. Ella and Lucy make homemade gifts for everyone. Ornaments, cards, coupons, hand sewn, painted, woven in love. Wrapped with more tape than paper, the elves dash up and down the stairs to set the glorious packages under the tree. Every year we watch the piles grow. Every year, but this one ...

Hot chocolate, jammies, “The Grinch That Stole Christmas.”

Nana makes the cookies, great-grandma’s recipe. Yummm ... Sprinkles, icing, M&M’s … plates are filled with special choices for every person on their list, and of course Santa. A plate of cookies, a glass of milk. Not this year ...

Oh no, we do not forget the reindeer. The special reindeer food has arrived straight from the North Pole. It is sparkly so the reindeer can find it in the snow. Sprinkle here, there ... Christmas angels, arms and legs a flapping. Rosy cheeks, runny noses, cold toes.

Sleepy angels. Not this year ...

Are you dreaming sweet dreams my angels? Are you happy, tired, blessed?

Christmas is not the same without you ... not this year.

Elm is a resident of Kalispell.