Saturday, June 01, 2024

Fire board OKs response fee

by Sasha Goldstein/Special to the Inter Lake
| January 20, 2011 2:00 AM

POLSON — After a month of debate, the Polson Rural Fire Board has voted to charge for wreck response within the district.

The board voted 5-0 in favor of a fee structure that mimics the rates of the Bigfork Rural Fire District.

Rates will range from $500 to $1,750 with the lowest fee covering less than an hour on scene and no use of rescue tools.

The fourth level, $1,750, covers a motor vehicle crash “involving extrication from the crash with greater than one hour on-scene time.”

“We surely are going to massage this thing over the next year,” board trustee Steve Stanley said.

That pledge did little to please Tom Eddy, the most outspoken opponent.

“Obviously I’m opposed to the whole thing but I’m trying to provide input to make this turn out the best for Polson and the fire department,” Eddy said.

Eddy’s input has included comments, graphs and letters to the editor. He read a statement about Fire Chief John Fairchild’s use of the word “outsiders” to refer to those Fairchild said this fee would most affect.

“I, as a board member, want to apologize for the use of that word,” Stanley said.

A letter from three former fire board members (Paul Laisy, Alison Meslin and Jim Manley) was read aloud during the meeting.

“We former board members have been contacted by numerous people about this, and believe clarification on some points is appropriate,” the letter read, followed by 11 points denouncing some aspects of the plan.

One point said, “The new fees cannot be justified by claiming ‘decreased revenue.’ The current board actually has had a large increase, best described as a ‘windfall…’” The letter also questioned the legality of some portions of the proposed plan.

The current board responded with a letter of its own that listed eight supposed “myths” of what has been said concerning the proposed response fees, including one about other fire boards that have a similar fee and a myth that “Polson Rural Fire District has more money than it needs.”

After some confusion prior to the meeting over who would be charged and how fault would be determined, Stanley said, “We’re going to charge whoever receives services.”

Still to be ironed out is whether billing for the fire department’s response will be sent to individuals involved or directly to insurance carriers.