Saturday, June 01, 2024

C. Falls dominates home meet

by The Daily Inter Lake
| January 10, 2011 2:00 AM

Columbia Falls’ speech and debate team dominated its home tournament Saturday.

Buoyed by seven first-place finishes, Columbia Falls High School finished first overall at its home meet. Twelve schools, including Bigfork and Whitefish, competed at the tournament; there were 248 entries in all.

“Our team delivered a solid performance following the winter break,” Columbia Falls head coach Tara Norick said. “Stephanie Christensen, Keri Potter and Marissa Getts led the team with each receiving double first-place finishes. It was really a team effort with many of our younger competitors placing as well.”

Bigfork defeated Eureka’s Lincoln County High School for Class B speech and drama victories at the meet.

Local results are as follows:

Policy Debate — 5. Wolfie Dailing and Shelby Greene, Columbia Falls

Lincoln-Douglas Debate — 4. Kaitlin Barnes, Columbia Falls; 5. Ariel Ramstad, Columbia Falls; 6. Kevin Kuper, Columbia Falls

Expository Speaking — 1. Keri Potter, Columbia Falls; 4. Kate Donner, Columbia Falls; 5. Jennifer Jurva, Columbia Falls; 6. Baylee Brinton, Columbia Falls; 7. Casey Bauer, Columbia Falls; 8. Alex Damon, Columbia Falls

Impromptu Speaking — 1. Marissa Getts, Columbia Falls; 3. Chance Morine, Columbia Falls

Extemporaneous Speaking — 1. Marissa Getts, Columbia Falls; 2. Chance Morine, Columbia Falls; 3. Natalie Law, Columbia Falls; 8. Matthew Karberg, Columbia Falls

Memorized Public Address — 1. Stephanie Christensen, Columbia Falls; 2. Blake Ladenburg, Columbia Falls; 3. Nathan Trinastich, Columbia Falls; 4. Maddie Lorang, Bigfork; 7. Beka Nichols, Columbia Falls; 8. Chanel Intaratanod, Columbia Falls

Original Oratory — 1. Stephanie Christensen Columbia Falls; 2. Julie Peterman, Whitefish; 3. Jinise Osborne, Columbia Falls; 4. Mielle Hubbard, Bigfork; 5. Deirdra Sago, Columbia Falls; 6. Elsa Dodds, Whitefish; 7. Jacob Sefcak, Bigfork; 8. Krista Konopatzke, Whitefish

Humorous Oral Interpretation — 1. Ashley Carlson, Columbia Falls; 2. Hannah Brinton, Columbia Falls; 3. Emily Morrison, Whitefish; 8. Lexi Brunz, Columbia Falls

Serious Oral Interpretation — 1. Keri Potter, Columbia Falls; 7. Kelsey Reece, Columbia Falls

Serious Solo — 3. Shelby Biederman, Bigfork; 6. Amber McDaniel, Bigfork

Classical Duo — 4. Olivia Witt and Isaac Reichner, Bigfork

Humorous Solo — 2. Gwendolyn Fratt, Bigfork

Pantomime — 4. Chris Gilley, Bigfork