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Teachers: Grant applications due Friday

by Daily Inter Lake
| October 7, 2010 2:00 AM

Kalispell teachers have until Friday to submit applications for the most recent round of classroom grants from the Kalispell Education Foundation.

The foundation’s Great Opportunities Grant Program is intended to support teachers in developing projects and expanding learning opportunities that are beyond the limits of the regular budget.

Individual teachers may receive up to $500 from the nonprofit; collective grant applicants may receive up to $1,000. The foundation hopes to distribute up to $20,000 this year, director Denise VanArtsdale said.

All full- and part-time teachers in Kalispell Public Schools are eligible for the grants. School principals must approve grant applications.

According to the foundation website, the committee that reviews applications will give priority to new projects, not programs that have lost funding.

The committee is also looking for projects that promote innovative teaching, challenge teachers to improve student performance, show evidence of professional development, show collaboration and are student-centered.

Recipients must use their grants within one year.

Winners for this grant cycle will be announced before Oct. 20, VanArtsdale said. The foundation will award another round of grants in February.

For further information, visit or call VanArtsdale at 257-7550.