Friday, May 31, 2024

2010: A year of loss, laughter

by Daily Inter Lake
| December 31, 2010 2:00 AM

Every year, it is traditional to look forward at this time of year, with a wish for better life, better business, and a better outlook.

We heartily concur in that hope, but we at the Inter Lake can’t help but take a moment to pause on this final day of 2010 to remember our losses as well.

For us, as for many others throughout the valley and indeed the world, it was a year that will be remembered most for tragedy.

In our case, it was the loss of two of our bright young reporters in a June plane crash that also claimed two other lives as well.

Melissa Weaver and Erika Hoefer had been in Kalispell only a brief while at the time of their deaths, as indeed their time on earth was too brief as well, yet they both taught by example that a brief candle still burns bright.

We remain in awe of those two ladies, who no matter how hard they worked, no matter how tough the day, reminded us by example of the value of a smile and a laugh.

It is thus with a laugh that we will end the old year — a tougher one than most — and with a smile that we will greet the new year. May it hold as much promise as our lost angels, and may you all enjoy the same spirit of optimism, kindness and caring that they taught us.

AS WE REMEMBER tragedy in 2010, it is fitting that we should also remember the potential for tragedy tonight and in the new year.

Our roads are never entirely safe. That is the inevitable result of large machines traveling at high rates of speed in the hands of fallible human beings. It just gets worse at this time of year with winter road conditions.

Let’s make sure that each and every one of us will not add to that inherent danger by making the dangerous, and often deadly, choice to drink and drive.

The urge to celebrate the arrival of the new year is understandable; the urge to play Russian roulette on the highway is not. If you drink tonight or any other night, make sure you have made arrangements to get home safely.

Then you will surely have a better chance to enjoy a happy new year!