Saturday, June 01, 2024

'The best people in the world'

by Daily Inter Lake
| December 24, 2010 2:00 AM

It is customary at this time of year for editorialists to count not just their own blessings, but those of the community. Even in the bleakest of times, it seems the message of Christmas provides hope and good cheer.

We know that the past few years have seen their share of hardship for many in the Flathead, but yet we are reminded once again of the strength and compassion of the community when we see the outpouring of goodwill that happens every December — in good times or bad.

To make the point, we went back to the archives and found the Inter Lake’s Christmas editorial from 1937, in the heart of the Great Depression, with nationwide unemployment working its way back up to 19 percent. Sure enough, the spirit of Christmas was alive and well, and the Flathead did itself proud, despite tough times. We do live in a most remarkable community.

From Dec. 24, 1937:

This year we are more than ever impressed with the generosity of the people of Flathead County, whom we are convinced are the best people in the world.

This may seem like taking in a good deal of territory, but we are sure it is not an extravagant statement because of the generous response to the appeals for “the children Santa Claus may forget,” which we believe exemplified the true Christmas spirit.

Quite a good many years ago the Inter Lake started making a collection of skates at the suggestion of C.W. Brooks, then street superintendent, who noticed that there were many children at the city skating rink who were unable to join in the sport because of lack of equipment. The result was rather surprising, as several hundred pairs of skates were collected.

Then the Mothers’ Club suggested that this be extended to include toys, and as a result they have been able to make a Merry Christmas for a good many youngsters who would otherwise have had a cheerless day.

The donations have increased from year to year, with 1937 ahead of them all. The windows at the Inter Lake office have been filled several times with toys, and in addition there have been contributions of cash and merchandise from many individuals and organizations.

We confess surprise at the result this year, and on behalf of the Mothers’ Club and the Inter Lake wish to thank all who have made contributions or assisted in any way.

It was fine, and we wish you all a Merry Christmas. —The Daily Inter Lake