Saturday, June 01, 2024

Snowball throwers prompt cop call

| December 10, 2010 2:00 AM

The Flathead County Sheriff’s Office received a report after a custodian at a school on Adams Street caught three boys throwing snowballs at windows. Nothing was damaged, and school officials decided to handle the incident without law enforcement.

At a bus stop on U.S. 2 in Hungry Horse, a woman reported being harassed by a man. Deputies separated them.

Someone saw a deer caught in a fence on Konley Drive outside Kalispell.

A sign was stolen from a ranch on Haywire Gulch.

Construction workers inadvertently activated a burglary alarm on Chief Cliff Trail in Bigfork.

Child abuse was alleged on South Main Street by a woman who said her husband injured their son’s hand and refused to take him to the hospital. The report is being investigated.

Animal cruelty was reported on Birch Hill Drive where a woman said her ex-husband was not providing proper medical treatment for a 15-year-old dog.

A man on Montana 35 was seen standing in the road yelling at cars. He was gone when a deputy investigated.

On West Idaho Street, the driver of a white Chevrolet pickup truck left a business without paying for $30 in fuel.

A woman on Gordon Avenue near Columbia Falls was cited for misdemeanor assault after allegedly punching her sister in the face.

An injured dog on Bierney Creek Road was returned home after a veterinarian located a microchip implant that included the owner’s name.

A report of a woman being assaulted by a man on Shady Lane was determined to be unfounded.

Kalispell Police officers cited several youths for being in possession of alcohol after a party was reported on Fifth Avenue West.

A driver on U.S. 93 North reported being cut off and then cursed and yelled at by another driver.

On Fifth Avenue West, a resident suspected someone stole a check from her mailbox.

Officers counseled a man after he was accused of being disorderly on Liberty Street.

A man on Second Avenue East said someone stole his wallet from an unlocked vehicle.

A man on First Avenue East North said his ex-wife was refusing to take their child, despite a parenting plan being in place.

Someone stole a 5-gallon gas tank from the bed of a truck parked on Sixth Street West.

On Second Street West, a woman said her neighbor’s vehicle emits fumes that waft into her home each morning it’s started. The neighbor was counseled.

A man on First Avenue East called police after his ex-girlfriend refused to stop calling him.

An angry resident on Vanderbilt Drive reported a neighbor for not shoveling snow off sidewalks.

Someone on 10th Avenue West said a garbage truck damaged a garage.

Montana Highway Patrol troopers responded to collisions on West Valley Drive and Kelly Road. No injuries were reported.

Troopers also assisted drivers after vehicles slid off the roadway on Three Mile Drive and Hillside Road.

The Whitefish Police Department responded to a report of a theft on Dakota Avenue.