Saturday, June 01, 2024

Kalispell police

| September 11, 2009 12:00 AM

Three transients camped out by a coffee house near a U.S. 93 South thrift store were asked to move along. They told Kalispell Police they would try to stay sober and catch a bus to Arizona in the morning.

Three homeless men seen hitting each other with their canes and walkers at a U.S. 93 South grocery store told police they were just "kidding around."

A suspicious male was reported to be selling magazines door-to-door on Third Avenue East for a scholarship program at a Florida college. A certificate of authenticity had misspelled words and appeared to be fake. Police counseled the young man who said the certificate was sponsored by the First Amendment. Forgery laws were not found applicable.

Kids allegedly harassed a woman by Woodland Park skate park about rumors of something that happened five years ago.

A person on Condor Road advised that some kids blew up the mailbox. Again.

A man loitering after-hours outside a casino told an employee he was looking for liquid refreshment.

Three men hanging around a car wash were told they'd be arrested if they trespassed again.

The three transients who tried to stay sober to catch a bus to Arizona were reportedly making customers at the thrift store feel unsafe after spending the night. They were given a ride to the bus depot and said to be on their way south.

Flathead County sheriff

A woman told the Flathead County sheriff's deputies that her neighbor had sprayed some 11-year-olds with a hose as they passed by on Creekside Drive.

A person suspected someone had shot a bullet at their car on Montana 35 across from a bus service. It turns out the hole was caused by a rock.

A car was reported stolen from a Glacier Park International Airport car rental shop. It was actually a clerical error and the car was legally rented.

While cutting hay on her property, a woman discovered a burned-up car in the river, which appears to have been caused by arson.

People weren't the only transients in the county Thursday. Stray horses were reported on Hill Road and in Herron Park. Loose cows were wandering around on U.S. 2 at the bottom of Idaho Hill.

Columbia Falls police

Columbia Falls Police received a call from a woman who had misplaced her ferret, but she found it.

Dispatch recorded 30 calls between 3:30 p.m. Wednesday and 3:30 p.m. Thursday.

Whitefish police

Whitefish Police found that someone had stolen a "Slow Children at Play" sign from Barkley Lane.

There were 44 log entries between 3:30 p.m. Wednesday and 3:30 p.m. Thursday.