Friday, May 31, 2024

C. Falls may change deal with attorney

by Northwest Montana News Network
| October 22, 2009 2:00 AM

The city of Columbia Falls is looking to revamp its city attorney contract, which is set to expire by year's end.

Under the contract, Justin Breck serves as city attorney, advising the council at meetings and handling the city's civil matters. Breck subcontracts prosecutor duties to another firm.

Monday the council expressed interest in having all city attorney duties handled by a single firm.

"I think we'd be much better combining it in one office," council member Don Barnhart said.

The city originally contracted with Kaplan Law Firm. Justin and Stephanie Breck purchased the firm and took over the contract this year.

The Brecks said they would also be interested in changing the contract.

"We're interested in bringing the whole [contract] back into one office," Stephanie Breck said.

The city pays the Brecks a monthly $6,000 retainer fee. The cost of litigation handled by the firm can be an additional cost to the city.

In renewing the contract, the Brecks said they don't plan to ask for higher fees.

The council also asked for a report on what work is performed under the contract.

"I'd like to know what your obligations are as the city attorney," council member Julie Plevel said.

The city has a number of options in dealing with the contract. It could simply renew the contract, or issue a request for proposals for a single contract, or request a contract that splits the civil attorney and prosecutor functions.

The council plans to discuss the issue again at its Nov. 2 meeting.