Friday, May 31, 2024

Kalispell to vote on $45.7 million budget

| July 20, 2009 12:00 AM

The Daily Inter Lake

The city of Kalispell will take public comment tonight on its proposed $45.7 million budget for the fiscal year that began July 1.

Decreasing general-fund reserves continue to challenge the city, due to a sharp drop in development activity. To offset the sudden decrease, general-fund expenditures were $400,000 less last year than the year before, and this year an additional $150,000 will be shaved.

"Despite these reductions the general-fund reserve has fallen from a comfortable 15 percent in fiscal year 2007 to less than 2 percent projected in the fiscal year 2010 budget," Interim City Manager Myrt Webb said in his budget message.

Revenues for the coming year conservatively are estimated at $9.1 million, based on a 3 percent growth rate and 1.1 percent inflation. It's significantly less than fiscal year 2009 because it does not include the Parks and Recreation Department, which was moved to the Special Revenue funds, Webb said.

He said the hiring freeze he instituted when he took over duties nine months ago still is in place. Because no employees left their city jobs it didn't cut expenses, but it did hold the line for 2009.

IN OTHER business, the council will:

n Consider a conditional-use permit to construct a 23-unit assisted-living apartment building on two acres at the eastern end of Indian Trail.

- Vote on a resolution to allow a one-year extension of the preliminary plat for Autumn Creek subdivision.

- Consider final-plat approval for the third phase of West View Estates, which consists of 30 single-family lots and one two-acre city park on the north side of West Reserve Drive, about a quarter-mile east of the Stillwater Road and West Reserve intersection.

- Consider an interlocal agreement between the city and Flathead County for the construction and maintenance of Sam Bibler Trail, which would run south along Willow Glen Drive from the Woodland Trail intersection to FFA Drive.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at Kalispell City Hall. Immediately afterwards, the council will hold a work session to discuss the Buffalo Hills Golf Course lease and the payment in lieu of taxes policy.