Friday, May 31, 2024

Rescued dogs get tender treatment

| July 5, 2009 12:00 AM

The Daily Inter Lake

In a little over a morning of work on Saturday, all 25 dogs rescued recently from an Evergreen trailer were spayed or neutered.

To prevent further litters (two were born since the rescue, bringing the total to 41 dogs), the older huskies were treated Saturday at the Flathead Spay and Neuter Clinic.

A host of volunteers cared for the dogs, who also were given baths or brushed as needed.

The canine clinic started at 7:30 a.m. Saturday and wrapped up by 1:45 p.m.

In spite of the grim conditions from which they were rescued, the huskies were generally in good health.

Continued care and volunteer help with the dogs is needed. Those who want to help can call 752-1310 or e-mail

Flathead Shelter Friends is accepting donations that should be earmarked "Husky Rescue" and sent to P.O. Box 567, Lakeside, MT 59922.