Saturday, June 01, 2024

Town can be proud of new field

| July 2, 2009 12:00 AM

Inter Lake editorial

It was an inspiring afternoon Saturday at Kidsports when the first players took to the diamond at Miracle Field.

Dedication ceremonies and the inaugural exhibition baseball games officially christened "the crown of the complex" in the words of Dan Johns, who has pushed for more than 15 years to provide a place for people with special needs to play.

Now they have that place, a gleaming field that is a testament not only to the determination of Johns and other organizers, but also to the generosity of the community, spearheaded by the efforts of the Rotary Club.

It is, to bring up an overused cliche, a true field of dreams. It's the culmination of the dream of a few dedicated believers who knew that all people should have the opportunity to play ball.

And Miracle Field will no doubt inspire dreams in all those who play on its inviting surface.

It's a place we all can be proud of.

IT'S QUIET at 10 p.m. in Whitefish these days.

The 10 o'clock nighttime siren has been silenced (It was too loud for Whitefish's new crew of around-the-clock firefighters, according to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration).

Longtime Whitefish residents have lamented the loss of that piercing wail that punctuated every night since 1919.

Perhaps when firefighters move into the Emergency Services Center that's being built, the siren song might return to Whitefish.

But until then, people have to figure out another way to know when it's 10 p.m.

IT'S NOT OFTEN that a remote corner of Montana gets national attention, but that's exactly what's happened for the town of Eureka and restaurant owner James Monroe, creator of the fabulous "Bubba Burger."

Monroe is the winner of the Ultimate Hometown Grill Off on ABC's "Live! With Regis and Kelly" and he will be grilling up his masterpiece on Friday's show.

We've never heard of a destination burger, but the Bubba Burger could be just the tasty treat that draws people to Monroe's Cutting Board restaurant from far and wide. Congratulations to the chef.