Saturday, June 01, 2024


| March 11, 2008 1:00 AM

A man walking down Northern Lights Boulevard looked depressed enough for a passerby to report him as "one of those types that does school shootings." Kalispell police determined he was just on his way home.

A Kelly Road resident told police a neighbor keeps putting dog feces outside their front door and in their dog's dish. Officers referred the matter to the president of the local homeowners association.

A man who took off in his friend's car after an argument at a West Idaho Street Laundromat was reported for unauthorized use of a motor vehicle.

A possibly suicidal Coot Court man threatened his wife via cell phone. She took away his rifle and spent the night outside the home.

An East Nicklaus Avenue resident keeps getting calls referencing his dead father.

Words were exchanged after the occupants of one car allegedly tried to hit the occupants of another car in a parking lot on Third Avenue East. No one wanted to press charges.

Librarians refused to allow a man and his dog into the library.

Officers responded to U.S. 93 South after receiving reports that a drunk guy fell off his bike and into the roadway. Turns out he just dropped his groceries.

Officers arrested a 35-year-old man for driving under the influence of alcohol after he was involved in an accident on Main and Idaho streets.

Vehicles were heard racing up a hill on U.S. 93 over and over.

Officers counseled a man accused of throwing Sheetrock at his neighbor's house.

Officers warned five girls cruising in a Jeep near Foy's Lake not to stop in the middle of the road to change drivers.

Someone called a Second Avenue West resident to inquire after his credit card information. Wisely, none was released.

The lock was ripped off a telephone company's First Avenue East drop box.

A check missing from someone's mail was found, forged, at a West Idaho Street grocery store.

Police told an ex-employee of a First Avenue East convenience store to stop harassing the clerk.