Friday, May 31, 2024

Threats turn out to be blown steam

| January 26, 2008 1:00 AM

A disabled Lakeside man angry an unnamed social service agency called a human rights association threatening to get a gun and shoot up the town. Flathead County Sheriff's deputies determined the man was just venting.

A man was seen hitchhiking on U.S. 93 in only a T-shirt.

Four mailboxes were shot up on Farm To Market Road.

A Riverside, Calif., resident reportedly stole a Flathead County person's identity.

A home health care worker visited the wrong house on Martin Camp Road. The nurse was reported as a suspicious person for her mistake.

A woman on Marvins Way got into an argument with her 17-year-old daughter. Deputies counseled both parties.

An emergency room nurse notified deputies of a possible assault victim, but the woman was not cooperative with deputies.

A dog was spotted chasing deer on Many Lakes Drive.

Deputies separated a man and his girlfriend for the evening after the couple caused a disturbance on U.S. 93 near Whitefish. Alcohol may have been involved.

A Shady Lane man reportedly tearing up his own home and destroying his stuff was brought in for a mental health evaluation.

A car hit an elk on U.S. 2 near Coram. There were no injuries, except for the elk.

Deputies arrested a 30-year-old man for assault after he visited an O'Neil Creek Road tenant behind on the rent and the situation took a violent turn.

A business on U.S. 93 and Hodgson Road was observed with its gates open and lights blazing, prompting somebody to call authorities. The building turned out to be secure.

Somebody lost their purse at a business on U.S. 2 in Evergreen.

A car ran off the road near mile marker 35 on Montana 35.

A young boy was spotted walking down Stoner Creek Road without a coat. He was out looking for his dog.

Someone siphoned gas from a car parked at a car lot on U.S. 2 in Evergreen.

A civil server was reported as a suspicious person for showing up at a Grove Street home and inquiring after a former resident.

Kids were reported for trespassing after coming onto a Gordon Avenue residents property to build snow forts and jumps for their sleds. The property owner, fearing insurance issues, asked deputies to contact the kids' parents.