Friday, May 31, 2024

Deep Draw blaze nearly contained

| August 17, 2008 1:00 AM

The Daily Inter Lake

The Deep Draw Fire on the Flathead Reservation grew only a few hundred acres and was 90 percent contained Saturday.

The fire, which is burning five miles west of Elmo on Montana 28, had burned 2,022 acres by Saturday evening, fire information officer Wayne Johnson said.

Most of the day's activities involved mopping up and patrolling the fire, Johnson said. Crews used infrared heat detectors to identify and mop up hot spots.

Firefighters also continued to clear brush from contingency lines and roads on the east and west rims of Deep Draw, fire information officer Betsy Ballard said.

Crews will continue mop-up and patrols today, Johnson said. More warm, dry weather - with temperatures in the mid- to upper-90s and 8 percent to 13 percent humidity - is expected this afternoon.

The lightning-caused fire is expected to be fully contained by Thursday. It was spotted Aug. 9.

Nearly 300 people are working on the fire. The Type 2 team that has managed the fire for the last week may transfer the fire back to the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes' fire team Tuesday.