Saturday, June 01, 2024

Let's just call it 'Moon River'

| October 27, 2007 1:00 AM

Flathead County Sheriff's deputies responded to the Old Steel Bridge where a neighbor complained about two men having sex. Neither was arrested.

A man trying to buy a pack of cigarettes at an Evergreen convenience store didn't want to show the clerk his ID and threw a pen at him. The clerk told deputies he didn't want to press charges.

An Alpine Drive resident saw a man wearing a black coat looking in their window.

A meth pipe was found in the ladies room of a casino on U.S. 2.

A Bigfork Stage Road resident thought they heard gunshots. Deputies were unable to find anything out of the ordinary.

Cows damaged a green and a fence at a U.S. 93 golf course.

A car passed another car stopped in the middle of Winterhawk Drive. The stopped car then started tailgating the passing car. The driver of the car being tailgated stopped to find out what the problem was and the situation escalated into a fist fight.

A parent called deputies after her 8-year-old child was threatened at school. Deputies turned it over to the school system to handle.

A Montana 35 resident filed a theft complaint after the person they sold a car to never gave the plates back.

A woman on Good Country Road called deputies after the man she just had served with a restraining order returned to kiss his kids good-bye.

Somebody cut the antlers off a dead deer on Whitefish Trail.

A Columbia Heights man threw his girlfriend's clothes in a Dumpster.

A young boy was trying to sell used pizza cards door-to-door in the Ponderosa Estates neighborhood.

Dogs attacked a deer on Chapman Hill Road. The deer had to be dispatched. The dog owner was cited.

Deputies cited a man caught shoplifting from a grocery store in Evergreen.

A woman pulled her daughter's hair during an argument on Eighth Avenue East in Kalispell. Deputies sent the girl to a different house for the night.

A 34-year-old man was arrested on a California warrant for failure to register as a sex offender after he was spotted inside a business on Harmony Road.

A man yelled at his girlfriend and pushed her to the floor on U.S. 93.

A 1971 Chrysler New Yorker was stolen from an impound lot on Airport Road. The thief drove through a fence and over some bushes during his getaway.