Friday, May 31, 2024


| October 11, 2007 1:00 AM

Kalispell police arrested a 46-year-old man on Third Avenue East for partner assault after holding a kitchen knife to the throat of a 39-year-old woman who fled and called police. He was also arrested on warrants for aggravated assault, assault with a weapon, theft, and misdemeanor partner assault.

Officers arrested a 34-year-old man after a short foot pursuit for driving under the influence of alcohol, driving on a suspended license, and driving without insurance after he crashed his car on Fifth Avenue East. He was also arrested for assault for throwing liquid in the faces of paramedics trying to treat him for injuries received in the crash.

A man ran his car through a fence on Riding Road.

A burglary was reported at Legends Stadium.

A 12-year-old boy and a 15-year-old boy were caught trespassing on an empty building on First Avenue East North and then lied to police about it. The pair climbed up the back of the building and were running around on the roof.

An 11th Street West resident told police two pit bulls tried to bite her.

A man staying at a West Center Street residence called the police department and requested a blanket.

A woman attempting to gain entry into a Sixth Avenue West home was arrested for criminal mischief and trespassing.

A gun was stolen from an unlocked car on Third Avenue East and Center Street.

A computer was stolen from a hotel on U.S. 93 South.