Saturday, June 01, 2024

Women are suspects in purse thefts

| October 6, 2007 1:00 AM

Two women are the suspects in a multi-purse theft that went down at a Kalispell bar Thursday night. Kalispell police are investigating the case and reviewing surveillance footage.

Police arrested a 45-year-old man at an athletic supply store for theft, open container and criminal trespass.

A woman was arrested for drunken driving after hitting another vehicle. The woman and baby in the hit car were uninjured.

A man called police after one of his girlfriend's male friends assaulted him. He said the guy showed up at his house, started arguing with him and then hit him. The assailant left, and the other man went to the hospital with cuts and broken bones.

The intoxicated woman passed out on Main Street was taken to the hospital.

While investigating a report of suspicious activity at a gas station, police arrested a man on a warrant.

When an alarm went off after-hours at a Kalispell bar, employees found someone passed out in the bathroom. They found a ride home for him.

A squeegee, shower-curtain rings and a 15-foot window-washing pole were among the $150 in household items stolen from an unlocked vehicle at a gas station.

A Sixth Street West resident said his ex-wife showed up at his house and assaulted him.

After fighting with a woman near Linderman School, a man was arrested for partner assault.

A woman discovered $140 cash and a $400 two-party check missing from her purse after giving someone a ride home from a casino.