Saturday, June 01, 2024

Kalispell police

| July 14, 2007 1:00 AM

Kalispell police arrested 42-year-old man trying to sell drugs to patrons of a Main Street restaurant.

A 16-year-old girl went to a neighbor's house after her mother slapped her and kicked her out on College Avenue. The neighbor didn't know what to do with her.

A woman called police on two boys and a girl yelling profanities outside her house on Eighth Avenue East.

A 12-year-old witnessed a man slap a woman on North Meridian Road and told his mother. The mother called police. Police were told it was a playful slap.

Police were unable to find a man who was harassing a woman on Ninth Avenue West.

A landlord was worried a man and a woman he said destroyed the apartment he evicted them from on Fourth Avenue East were on there way back there. Officers were unable to find the pair.

A man on First Avenue West claimed his soon to be ex-wife stole his car.

Officers responded to a fight on North Meridian Road. A boy got into an argument with his stepfather and left to spend the night at a friend's house.

A 16-year-old girl reported as a runaway from a College Avenue residence is also believed to be at friend's house.

Police arrested a 25-year-old woman on outstanding warrants after she got into a physical and verbal disagreement with a man. There was a 4-year-old child in the house.

A woman called police because she is afraid some of her daughter's homeless friends are going to sleep in her back yard.

A hotel on Main Street called police to remove a drunk from their lobby.

A 2-year-old child was locked in a car at a school on Whitefish Stage Road.

Police counseled a woman not to let her 9-year-old child sleep outside alone. The mother got worried and thought the kid was missing after the grandmother picked the child up.