Saturday, June 01, 2024

Kalispell police

| September 24, 2006 1:00 AM

Kalispell police took a couple of stolen-vehicle reports from men who couldn't find their cars after the homecoming game at Flathead High School. One soon remembered where he'd parked and found his car. An officer helped the other man find his.

Another vehicle truly did disappear near Woodland Park Friday night. A man called police, concerned because the car was smoking. When he hung up the phone and turned around, it was gone.

A vehicle that had been reported stolen was recovered near the intersection of Meridian Road and Three Mile Drive.

Road rage turned even uglier when a few men followed a car into an alley and smashed out a window. They were arrested for disorderly conduct; the one who actually did the smashing was also charged with criminal mischief.

A couple of men aroused suspicion when they pulled a long, mysterious item out of a hedge next to a Kalispell car wash and drove away with it.

A man bleeding from the mouth spit on a restaurant employee. The employee didn't want to press charges, so the man was taken to a nearby hotel for the night. When he returned to the restaurant a short while later, police arrested him for criminal trespass.

Who can it be knocking at my door? That's what a resident on Second Street West wanted to know when someone knocked at 3:45 a.m. Saturday.

A junior high-aged boy was arrested for assault after he bit the man who was trying to take him to school.

The man with the BMW on Seventh Avenue East is annoyed that his car was egged for the second week in a row. A house on Fifth Street East also suffered an egg attack.

A 23-year-old man was arrested for drug possession and obstructing an officer.

Turns out the burglar alarm beeping at a golf shop was set off by balloons moving inside.