Saturday, June 01, 2024

Kalispell Police

| September 9, 2006 1:00 AM

Kalispell Police took a call about a girl who cut off her fingers Thursday. It turned out that she was actually in a garage in Columbia Falls, where she had been allegedly huffing gasoline and hallucinating. She was not injured.

A girl was arrested for trespassing at the high school.

A wallet was stolen on Burns Way.

Vehicle windows were broken at the high school and on Fifth Avenue East North, where a stereo was also stolen.

Smoke on the water wasn't found as reported at the Woodland Park pond.

There is a suspect in a burglary on Third Avenue East.

A woman reported that two young men knocked on her door Thursday night and claimed to be conducting a college survey on how to meet people.

Two loud parties were reported on Airport Road.

A 17-year-old boy was arrested on a parole violation on North Meridian Road.

On Fifth Avenue West, two men selected a lawn on which to relieve themselves before they drove away.

People on Seventh Street East caused a disturbance and then decided to separate for a while.

A woman was arrested for possession of drugs on West Idaho Street and a 16-year-old boy with her was charged with drug paraphernalia. A man was arrested for DUI on U.S. 93 Friday morning.

A report of a forged check is under investigation.

It was disconcerting for a Sunnyside resident to see a bald man in a gray sweatshirt and black pants with a Samarai sword on his back.