Saturday, June 01, 2024

Kalispell police were called about the driver of a red Ford Escort

| September 8, 2006 1:00 AM

who was weaving in traffic Wednesday on South Meridian Road. She wasn't intoxicated; she was applying makeup.

A man was arrested for aggravated assault in Woodland Park at about 11 p.m. Wednesday. He reportedly ran up to a couple and scared them with a collapsible baton.

A Nicklaus resident never received a bank card that was mailed; someone did, though, because purchases have been made with it.

An unruly customer was reported at Gypsy Heart.

A screen door was sliced on Seventh Street East. Parts were taken from a van at Glacier Toyota.

The owner of barking dogs was cited on Eighth Avenue West. Another dog owner was cited after a complaint that it was vicious on Hawthorne.

Bob couldn't stay away from the mall so he was charged with trespassing.

A checkbook, money, and other items were taken from an unlocked vehicle on Two Mile Drive. Same thing happened on Sixth Avenue West. A purse was stolen at Costco.

The man who yelled on Fifth Avenue West was charged with having an open container of alcohol.

Threatening calls were reported on Fourth Street West. Pesky, non-ordering calls kept going into Pizza Hut until police persuaded the dialer to desist.

A resident on Cooper Lane was concerned about whether a stain there was sinister. An officer found that it was not.