Saturday, June 01, 2024

Michael Robert Shupert, 55

by Daily Inter Lake
| July 28, 2006 1:00 AM

Michael Robert 'Mike' Shupert, 55, died of natural causes at his home in Trego on June 6, 2006.

Mike was a true Montanan who always had smiles to share and hugs to give. Mike always kept a positive attitude as he enjoyed a life filled with fishing, camping, hunting and family.

He was a loving person and father who always expressed his love for his nine children, 18 grandchildren and family whenever possible.

Mike is truly loved and remembered by his dearest friend and brother, Tom Shupert; sister, Sue, and Mike Porter; brother, Dan, and Jeri Shupert; brother, Richard, and Char Shupert; sister-in-law, JoAnn Shupert; son, Lance, and Tina Shupert; son, Mike, and Jennifer Shupert; daughter, Tanya, and Phil Flores; son, Tom, and Kimberly Kemppainen-Shupert; daughter, Barbie Shupert; son, Jason Shupert; daughter, Jenny, and James Bertram; twin sons, Ben and Sid Shupert; and grandchildren, Tashia, Dallas, Brittany, Skylar, Sydney, Alexis, Talon, Katelyn, Laker, Phillip, Auburn, Winter, Storm, Kayla, Andrea, Jada, Josh and James Jr.

He also leaves behind his faithful dog, Buck.

Services will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, July 29, at the Trego Civic Center.