Friday, May 31, 2024

Kalispell police

| July 13, 2006 1:00 AM

Vandals turned down the cooler at Kalispell Floral, damaging flowers. On Santa Fe Street, someone unhooked a water system and flooded a bedroom. Kalispell police are investigating both incidents.

He loaned her a vehicle; she won't return it. He decided to give her a few more hours after calling police before listing it as stolen.

A woman on North Meridian Road didn't like being called "a crazy [expletive]." Two people witnessed a woman in a brown car breaking out the back window of a blue van on Meridian Road. The owner of the van has a suspect who had threatened to damage the vehicle.

A man who just got out of jail went home to find someone had kicked in the door to his house.

It seemed suspicious to an onlooker when a woman in an orange shirt and backpack walked up Fourth Avenue East North.

Fireworks continue to be a problem in town. Other noisy events included a man who yelled as he walked on the railroad tracks near Tidyman's. After a noise complaint after midnight on 10th Avenue West, an underage drinker was cited. Two youths were cited for a curfew violation at 2:30 a.m., and there was a tobacco issue, also.

A woman said her boyfriend took her property on Ninth Avenue West. On Eighth Avenue West, a man responded to the news that his wife wants a divorce by throwing her belongings in the yard.

A wallet was stolen from the high school. Taken from a vehicle at Fatt Boys was a stereo, shoes, vitamins, CDs, and registration information. A shopping bag containing $100 in merchandise was stolen at a casino.

At Kalispell Center Mall was a report that a man was jumping in front of cars. He apparently moved on to Second Street East, where he began kneeling in front of cars. This is a man who has been frequently counseled before by officers.