Saturday, June 01, 2024

Elizabeth Erhun, 92

by Daily Inter Lake
| February 16, 2006 1:00 AM

On Monday, Feb. 6, Father Gregory of the Greek Orthodox Church of Annunciation in Missoula came to Kila and gave Elizabeth Erhun last rites. Six days later, on Feb. 12, 2006, Elizabeth, 92, died peacefully in her home in Kila which she shared with her daughter, Azade, son-in-law, Alan, and two grandsons, David and Noah.

A small, private funeral took place at home and she was buried in Bethel Cemetery in Somers.

Elizabeth was born on Sept. 14, 1913, in Istanbul, Turkey, of Greek parents, Aglaia and Panos Tastsioglou. She was the eldest of four children.

During World War II, Elizabeth studied nursing. In 1946 she decided to continue her studies in the United States and become a registered nurse. She worked in New York City until she married her first husband, Nikos Garafalos. He died after two years of marriage.

She returned to her birthplace where she married an 'old flame,' Imre Baksa, aka Behcet Erhun. He was a widower with a year-old daughter, Azade. Elizabeth promptly adopted her. When their daughter turned 5 years old in 1960, they left Turkey and settled in New York City.

Elizabeth was widowed in 1989 and then lived briefly in Athens, Greece, and Florida. She came to live full time with her daughter in Montana in December 2000.

Over the years, Elizabeth, an avid traveler, visited Egypt, France, Great Britain, Russia, Austria, Greece and more. She was fluent in Turkish, Greek, Russian, English and French.

During younger days, Elizabeth loved to knit and crochet, cook traditional Greek dishes such as baklava and spanikopita, swim in the ocean, hike in the mountains, and ski. She continued to bike (with an adult-sized tricycle) well into her 80s.

Elizabeth possessed a distinctive, yet subtle, blend of humor, humility, kindness and a sincere appreciation of the love showered upon her by others.

Her family misses her dearly and plans an 'Elizabeth Celebration' party on Sunday, Feb. 19, at 4 p.m. Anyone who loved her is welcome to join in on the festivities.