Saturday, June 01, 2024

Kalispell police

| February 6, 2006 1:00 AM

were called to the Finish Line bar Sunday when an older man in a flannel shirt caused a disturbance. His swan song before he was ejected from the bar was to throw a drink at the bartender. In the parking lot, he yelled about aliens and banged on vehicles until police sent him on his way.

Threats were reported at the Rosebriar Inn and on Third Street West.

A vehicle at the Hampton Inn hit a trash container and skidded across the parking lot, winning the driver a ticket for reckless driving.

Graffiti was reported at Chicken Noodle Cafe. Someone broke windows with rocks at the Buzz Thru Express and damaged the menu sign.

Drivers were arrested for DUI on Seventh Avenue East, North Main Street and Meridian Road, where it was a man's third charge.

Officers went to the Outlaw Inn for a report of a domestic assault, but a woman there refused to give any information about the man involved.

A man slumped over the steering wheel of his van at 4 a.m. on North Meridian Road was allowed to stay until he woke up and was sober enough to drive. His keys, though, weren't allowed to keep him company.

Boys and girls who made rude and obscene calls to Budget Finance had a sudden change of heart and called back to apologize.

Unauthorized charges on a credit account were reported at a hardware store.

A boy was charged with disorderly conduct at Linderman School.