Saturday, June 01, 2024

Woman says rape attempted

| August 23, 2006 1:00 AM

The Flathead County Sheriff's Office is looking for a man who is bruised and bitten after a reported rape attempt.

A woman on Zimmerman Road said she was jumped from behind at her car by a man at just after midnight Tuesday.

Detective Cmdr. Bruce Parish of the Sheriff's Office said the woman screamed for her daughter to call 911. The girl did that, and started pummeling the man with items from a window. The assailant fled and the woman escaped with minor scratches, Parish said.

She described the man as about 6 feet tall and very skinny. He was wearing a ski mask, a gray, long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans, gray shoes with a yellow N on the side, outlined in black. When he left, the man grabbed a full-face helmet that is silver with black strips, Parish said.

The woman said her attacker was in his 20s or 30s.

Anyone with information should call the Sheriff's Office at 758-5585. The suspect should have bite marks and a mark on his face where the woman kicked him.

"It's really scary to have somebody like that out there," Parish said. "She was minding her own business."

Investigators were working Tuesday on a couple of suspects, he said.