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Performing arts center seeks executive director

| August 13, 2006 1:00 AM


The Daily Inter Lake

After relying on volunteers for the last five years, the proposed Glacier Performing Arts Center is ready to hire an executive director.

Jean Hagan, the longtime president of the arts-center board, said an anonymous Bigfork couple recently donated $75,000 to the center, with the expressed intent that the money be used to hire a full-time manager.

"I think the project is ready for this," said Hagan, who's been involved with the center since it was first proposed. "We need someone to be the point person, a dedicated manager who can seek funds and coordinate our volunteers."

The Bigfork donation requires an equivalent match. Hagan said First Interstate Bank of Kalispell has agreed to provide a $50,000 match, while other individuals have contributed an additional $6,000.

"We're still looking for the $19,000 balance," she said.

Some of the money will be used to pay for expanded architectural drawings and promotional material.

The arts center kicked off its primary fund-raising campaign earlier this year, seeking to raise the $26 million needed to build and endow a 1,300-seat, 51,000-square-foot facility.

The project will be located on three acres of land located just north of Kalispell Center Mall, on property donated by Red Lion Hotels and its partner, GVD Commercial Properties.

The intent is to have the center completed and ready to open by the fall of 2009.

Arts center vice president Jayson Peters said the new executive director will play a role similar to that of Kalispell Chamber of Commerce President Joe Unterreiner.

"If you need anything from the chamber, you talk to Joe. He's the go-to person," Peters said. "And like Joe, our executive director will have a strong board behind them. They'll be able to draw on us for different skills. We aren't just going to hand things over and say, 'You've got $20 million to raise; have fun.' "

Hagan said the board hopes to find an executive director who has long-term links to the valley. They also need a variety of skills, from fund-raising experience to business and financial management, as well as an innovative spirit and good communications skills.

Applications for the position are due by Sept. 15. The annual salary is $50,000 to $55,000 per year, depending on experience. A job description and application information are available on the GPAC Web site, at

Reporter Bill Spence may be reached at 758-4459 or by e-mail at