Friday, May 31, 2024

Flathead County sheriff

| May 27, 2005 1:00 AM

Flathead County sheriff's office had an attempted hanging in the jail Wednesday. A 35-year-old man went by ambulance to the hospital with a neck injury that also wasn't critical.

Strange calls are troubling a woman on Fifth Avenue East.

Officers are investigating a report that two girls and two men assaulted a man, threw him into the trunk of a car, and drove him around for a while near Beaver Lake.

A woman on Conrad Drive called to say her 13-year-old son will not listen to her and she wants an officer to talk to him. Deputies did talk to a man and woman after a disturbance was reported on Trails End. No one was charged. Another couple made noise on Caroline Road; they wanted officers who responded to go away.

Bad driving was a recurring theme on the sheriff's log. At Glacier Pines, a black pickup zoomed into the campground and nearly ran over someone there, according to a report. The driver agreed not to go back. Boys on the Old Steel Bridge reportedly made other drivers back up on the single-lane bridge. They also reportedly tore around in private fields. Revving engines and screeching tires heralded two or three vehicles on Leisure Island, where a deputy checked the drivers' identities and got them to move on. A passerby stopped to see if everything was OK with a station wagon that was stopped at Berne Park Wednesday night, just to find two people rolling marijuana joints. He moved on, too.

Tailgating, honking, finger-flipping, yelling, and scaring were all rolled up in one black Dodge pickup at Main and Idaho Thursday.

If an animal warden or deputy has to go back to Holt Drive because of a misbehaving dog, the owner will be cited. The problem was cats, also off of Holt Drive, where there is an abundance of felines and corresponding odor.

A deputy checked on "a little old lady" on U.S. 2 between the Blue Moon and Columbia Falls. She had a pile of luggage around her, a white scarf over her head, and an expressed belief that the Lord would provide for her without a deputy's intervention.

A rent check was reportedly stolen from a mailbox in Evergreen. Two motorcycles were stolen on Ashley Lake Road. One was found in a ditch. Another was stolen on Prairie View Road.