Friday, May 31, 2024

Flathead County Sheriff

| May 25, 2005 1:00 AM

Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a call from a resident on Lower Valley Road, who was approached by a woman with a young child. She said the spirits wouldn't leave her alone and then left.

There was no crime committed, but a mentally disabled teenager was talked to about luring a child to his residence with candy.

The domestic disturbance on Solberg Drive was verbal, not physical. A man was arrested for partner assault in Hungry Horse. A woman was arrested for the same offense at Kokanee Bend after a man reported she pulled his hair and hit him in the head.

Three girls faced the challenge of removing permanent marker from the street on Braig Road, where they wrote obscenities, illustrated with an arrow pointing to a house.

A man driving behind a woman on LaSalle Road seemed to be distracted by his cell phone. Then he rear-ended her. Then he yelled and appeared threatening, and followed her for a while. There was no damage done, at least to the vehicle.