Friday, May 31, 2024

Flathead County Sheriff

| May 21, 2005 1:00 AM

Authorities are checking out a suspected case of arson on Patrick Creek Road, where an abandoned house reportedly burned down Thursday night. The owner reportedly lives in Idaho.

It's not every day that the Flathead County Sheriff's Office takes a report of a 3-year-old child chasing a wild turkey with a butter knife. It was wrong on so many levels, including the safety of the child in traffic on River Road, that a deputy talked to the boy's father about doing a better job of supervising his child.

A woman on Thursday reported an assault she said happened the previous Friday. There was pushing on the ground and shoving between women on Antelope Trail.

A report of illegal burning was referred to the air-quality department.

A dog was shot with a pellet gun on River Road near Columbia Falls.

A mound of grass that seemed grave-shaped on South Woodland Drive, wasn't.

Phone threats were made on U.S. 2 West. On Echo View Drive, a woman is leaving accusing messages about her husband on another woman's phone.

All that yelling and music reported on Helena Flats Road Thursday night went mute before officers arrived. A man who threw cups and bottles at Lake Hills shopping center wouldn't leave and seemed aggressive. Witnesses told a deputy that the man finally drove south on Montana 209. He was found and was arrested for DUI.