Friday, May 31, 2024

Schweitzer backs confirmation of regents after all

by JIM MANN The Daily Inter Lake
| March 19, 2005 1:00 AM

HELENA - Reversing his earlier opposition, Gov. Brian Schweitzer is now backing the confirmation of Kala French and Mike Foster to the Montana Board of Regents.

Schweitzer had opposed both appointments, made by the Martz administration, because Foster and French were working as lobbyists at the Capitol. Both recently resigned their lobbying positions, so there is no longer a potential conflict of interest, Schweitzer said in a Friday letter to Senate President Jon Tester, D-Big Sandy.

Schweitzer said he will support only a one-year term for French as the student regent. Former Gov. Judy Martz had appointed her to a three-year term.

Schweitzer explained that Martz had broken a long-standing tradition among both Democratic and Republican governors of appointing student regents to one-year terms.

"Only Governor Martz chose to appoint a student regent longer than a one-year term," he said. "This has the effect of extending that student regent appointment term more than halfway into the term of office of a succeeding governor, something no other governor has done."

Schweitzer recommended that the Senate reject the three-year appointment, and if that happens, he will nominate her to a one-year term.

"I will consider her for reappointment to another one-year term if she is recommended by student leaders of the Montana University System, along with other qualified students who are recommended," Schweitzer wrote.

Schweitzer said he has had concerns about Foster's background as a former legislator from Billings, but will still recommend his confirmation by the Senate.

"I have been concerned about Foster's votes as a legislator in opposition to the university system" and recent media reports about Foster dismissing a state employee "for partisan political reasons" while Foster was the state's Commissioner of Labor and Industry.

Schweitzer said his recommendation is based on Foster's testimony before the Senate State Administration Committee, along with assurances from Board of Regents Chairman John Mercer that the board "would not operate in a partisan political manner."

Schweitzer's recommendations were welcomed by Senate Minority Leader Bob Keenan, R-Bigfork.

"The bottom line is I want Regent Foster and Regent French to maintain their positions," Keenan said. "We had an election in November, not a coupe, so I think it's important that they remain on there."