Saturday, June 01, 2024

Kalispell police

| March 14, 2005 1:00 AM

Kalispell police, responding to a late-night call from a Target store worker worried that an inebriated customer might try to drive, escorted the alcohol-fragranced woman to her home. At least, she thought she knew where she lived. She told police she wasn't sure which house it was, but they were in the right area. She asked them to drop her off on the corner and she'd find her way home.

Officers charged a 52-year-old man with criminal trespass at Sykes Grocery Saturday.

A 17-year-old boy was arrested for theft from Flathead High School Saturday night.

Continual weekend paintball assaults on a home frustrated one resident enough to call police. Teens in the home think the culprits might be a group calling themselves "F13" or "Baby Blue."

Keep your distance from each other - that's the advice from police to two people arguing loudly in an apartment late Saturday. They separated for the night.

The trucks must have been dirty, but they left before Kalispell police got to the fairgrounds Saturday. They had been mud-bogging, someone complained.

Four adults caused a ruckus before getting into two separate vehicles and leaving Tidyman's parking lot Saturday.

Leave your vehicle parked illegally and you run the risk of a passing driver hitting it and shoving it into a third vehicle. That's what a man learned after leaving his car on Third Street West.

Buddy the 7-pound black poodle needs to find his home on Seventh Avenue West again, but that could be difficult since the owner said Buddy has neither collar nor tags.

A driver at the underpass didn't appreciate the orange paintball splatter on her truck Saturday night.

Saloons on the south end of Kalispell Saturday night were the site of an arrest for criminal trespass, a man going through parked vehicles, and a bouncer who wouldn't return a woman's ID. In the latter case, police said they "ceased it."