Saturday, June 01, 2024

Flathead County Sheriff

| February 24, 2005 1:00 AM

Flathead County Sheriff's Office went to Gamma Road in Hungry Horse, where a man said he arrived home to find someone in his house. The intruder left through a window, he said. On Caroline Road, an 11-year-old boy isn't welcome in the home because he keeps hawking things, the resident said.

Two sisters fought on Mare Lane.

On Twin Bridges Road, a man found lying in traffic explained that he had been assaulted. He didn't want to pursue charges; he got a ride home in a patrol car.

Irrigation pipe has been stolen on Helena Flats Road. A wallet was taken from a vehicle on Mare Lane and an ATM card inside has been used to withdraw at least $300. Mail may have been stolen on Foothill Hill.

An ex-boyfriend won't stop calling on Harmony Drive.

A practitioner of the Falun Gong movement from China reported that the group's Web site says that practitioners should call police if they are being harassed and this resident is being harassed.