Friday, May 31, 2024


| February 20, 2005 1:00 AM

Ambulance workers thought they were responding to Willow Glen Road for a woman with a very high fever, but when they arrived there were three males in the basement cooking meth. Flathead County sheriff's deputies were called in, and told the woman she'd be charged with false reporting if she called back. Deputies said the woman was armed with a loaded .38 revolver.

Saturday afternoon, a child was run over by a vehicle near Marion, then brought to the fire hall where ALERT picked up the patient and headed for Kalispell.

When somebody walked into a home on Hoffman Draw early Friday, the resident said the dogs went crazy and then he heard the door slam shut. Deputies are looking into it.

Marion fire, ambulance and deputies were alerted when a woman on Bear Trail said her husband had been drinking and had hit her. He disconnected one phone, and may have disconnected the other one.

Deputies looking for a man near Whitefish accused of partner assault were told to beware that he may have a handgun.

A caller on Trumble Creek heard a dog barking, then saw the neighbors shooting at their dog with a pellet gun. Animal cruelty was feared.

A handbag with drug paraphernalia found at Wal-Mart Friday ended with a man's warrant arrest but cleared the handbag's apparent owner.

A wandering boyfriend with a beer bottle and whiskey bottle got into a fight with his girlfriend and left the house early Saturday, prompting a worried call from the girlfriend. Ambulance was called to the Kokanee Bend area later on, and the boyfriend got a ride home to Whitefish.

Nasty name-calling and unruly behavior prompted a call from LaQuinta Inn workers who wanted a woman removed from the premises.

A woman on Bear Run Road said someone came to her door asking for money, and hit her husband with a beer can when he refused to hand over any cash. He was bleeding but didn't need an ambulance.

A house in disarray was the result of a burglary on Gamma Road in Hungry Horse. The owner wanted deputies to fingerprint the guns in the house.

On Bitterroot Drive, a man was stabbed in the shoulder, and a woman was arrested.

A rear-end accident on U.S. 40 near Whitefish Stage ended in an ambulance ride to North Valley Hospital Friday afternoon.

Rocks were thrown through a window of one house and an acoustic guitar taken from another.