Saturday, June 01, 2024

Flathead County Sheriff

| February 14, 2005 1:00 AM

A rooster whose biological clock wasn't ticking right started crowing loudly enough at 3:46 a.m. Sunday to wake up a neighbor on Prairie View Road. A half-hour later, a Flathead County Sheriff's deputy reported no fowl play; the "roosters appeared to have found what they were looking for" and were quiet.

On Narrow Way, a babysitter awoke on the couch to find a man standing over her and swearing. Nothing else happened, the babysitter told the mother who alerted the sheriff's office. He was apparently the husband of one of the women the mother was out with for the evening.

A girl residing on U.S. 2 East called to say her father was smoking meth.

Locks were missing on several storage units in the East Evergreen Mobile Home Park area. A bed and chair were gone from one unit.

Out-of-control children were reported on Somers Road, where a 17-year-old boy was throwing stuff and threatening his mother, and on East Evergreen Drive, where a 10-year-old boy was swearing and punching holes in the wall.

A young boy, about 7 or 8, was seen driving a silver Honda Civic around Meadow Manor on Conrad Drive.

A woman taking a shower on Shady Lane found her car missing when she got out of the shower. It was discovered at the next driveway.

At Forest Acres Trailer Park, someone reported a woman was selling food stamps and prescription drugs and the woman's son was selling Lortab. The case was turned over to the Northwest Drug Task Force.

Two boys reported as suspicious persons at Evergreen Elementary School were just trying out a new scooter.