Saturday, June 01, 2024

Snow sought for bar-stool ski races

by JIM MANN The Daily Inter Lake
| February 10, 2005 1:00 AM

There's no snow, but the bar-stool races and sledding centerpieces of Cabin Fever Days are expected to proceed in Martin City this weekend.

Organizers of the community fund-raising event have overcome poor snow conditions the last three years and they intend to do it again this year, said Greg Vorhees, owner of the Packer's Roost.

This year's situation, however, is a bit more intimidating, Vorhees said.

"We've hauled in snow the last three years," he said. "But we had snow close, so it was kind of feasible financially, and now we don't have snow close by."

Last year, roughly 70 to 80 dump-truck loads of snow were strategically emptied along Martin City's sloping Central Avenue. Before daylight, a crew of volunteers with shovels spread out and packed the snow for the races, particularly the bar-stool competition, which involves creative applications of bar stools attached to skis.

Three years ago, Vorhees said, snow was augmented with pickup loads of snow. But Cabin Fever Days has gradually attracted more people and support. Last year, Plum Creek Timber Co. provided some of its dump trucks to bring in snow.

Vorhees said he is appealing to anybody with a pickup truck to bring in snow this year.

Registration for Saturday's first round of bar-stool ski races is from 10 a.m. to noon, with qualifying runs starting at 1 p.m. Sled races for kids are scheduled to start at noon.

Sign-up for Sunday barstool ski races will be from 10 a.m. to noon with racing to follow.

"It's possible that the qualifying runs [for the bar-stool races] may not happen on Saturday," Vorhees said. "We may hold the qualifiers and the races on Sunday."

But there are plenty of other activities and attractions during the weekend.

Cabin Fever Days, in its 27th year, features live music Friday and Saturday nights at Coram and Martin City bars. Pool tournaments, winter softball, bingo games, sumo wrestling, mouse races, karaoke and an arm wrestling tournament are among the other weekend events. There also are biscuits-and-gravy breakfast feeds and a hog roast.

Proceeds from events and T-shirt and button sales are donated to local nonprofit organizations. Participating business also contribute a percentage of sales, Vorhees said.

Past contributions have gone toward Canyon Kids Christmas Fund, the local Head Start program, the Martin City Fire Department and the Canyon Quick Response Unit.

"These charities are extremely important because they don't get much help from the outside," Vorhees said.

Cabin Fever Days is organized by a committee of about 15 people, with about 40 volunteers helping with the events.

Anybody willing to deliver snow to support the weekend events is asked to call Vorhees at 387-5533 or Lori Kaml at 387-5821.

Reporter Jim Mann may be reached at 758-4407 or by e-mail at