Saturday, June 01, 2024

Law roundup: Suspicious figures appear on runway

| February 5, 2022 12:00 AM

Two men were spotted on an airport runway. The person who reported them to the Kalispell Police Department wanted to know what they were doing on the runway.

Medication appeared to be stolen from an apartment.

A hit and run incident allegedly resulted in a car mirror being damaged.

A man entered a tattoo parlor and started yelling. He claimed he was a law enforcement officer and he refused to leave.

An intoxicated man fell asleep on a table and he couldn’t be roused.

Two women were having a conversation in the background of an apparent accidental 911 call.

In a spooky report to the KPD, a hotel employee heard people in a room where no one was supposed to be staying. A guest at the hotel also reported hearing activity in the room, and the hotel employee said he didn’t feel comfortable checking the room. A KPD officer checked and couldn’t find anyone in the room.

A Bible was stolen. The victim of the theft suspected his former roommate of taking the Bible.

A man went into a business, started yelling and threatened to beat up an employee. Then he refused to leave the business. He was counseled.

Someone called the KPD because she was “concerned about a puppy.” She said the dog was left outside for four hours.

A woman encountered a man snoring while sleeping on a path and she was worried about him due to the weather. He declined any assistance.

A woman called the KPD to complain about hearing voices, then disconnected.