Saturday, June 01, 2024

Letters to the editor April 10

| April 10, 2022 12:00 AM

Jackson reflects radical agenda

It was interesting to read the opinion article (Montana lawyers support Judge Jackson for U.S. Supreme Court, April 3) gushing over the fact 85 Montana lawyers were supporting Bidens nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. The opinion article, however, did not mention the thousands of Montana lawyers that did not support the nominee. I am one of those that do not support this far left-wing nominee

Readers should keep in mind this Biden nominee is supported by a president that has fostered open borders, abandoned Americans in Afghanistan and pushed for unregulated abortions. In addition, I beleive Biden is suffering from some form of dementia and he has created out-of-control gasoline prices and unbelievable inflation. Due to Biden’s policies, this country is on the brink of financial ruin.

I believe Biden and his son are involved in criminal activity which will never be prosecuted due to a corrupt justice system. Open borders will without doubt, result in many deaths due to drugs streaming across our southern border. Biden is clearly a friend of the Mexican drug cartels. This nominee will without doubt reflect the Biden agenda.

The nominee does not favor severe jail sentences for child pornography distributors. Child porn is frequently sold to pedophiles. The far left is clearly friendly to the criminal element in our country.

I do not know a large number of those Montana lawyers supporting this letter, but I know a number that are far left. In my opinion, anyone supporting Biden’s nominee do not exhibit Montana values.

I pray for this country and all of the children that will suffer due to the radical Biden Administration.

— Ronald McCormack, Bigfork

Daines’ high court vote

I see Daines put out a press release saying he was not going to vote for Jackson to be confirmed to the Supreme Court. Of course this comes as no surprise, every person in Montana knew he would never vote to confirm her — wasn’t going to happen. While I may not agree with him, it is certainly his right to do so.

But if you read his press release, he leaves a person thinking he just might do it, except the Biden administration canceled her interview with him. Basically saving him and her from wasting their time. And at the same time it gave good old fifth-generation, straight-shooting Montanan Steve Daines political cover to not vote for her.

But in typical Daines fashion, he could not just come out and tell the honest truth, he was not going to vote for her anyway. Honesty, and Steve Daines, what is wrong with that picture.

— Jay Adams, Libby

Conservation solutions

Spring is coming to Montana and we look forward to it. We know fishing guides and outfitters are all excited to be gearing up for a wonderful season. We cherish our rivers, plains and mountains — this beautiful place we all call Montana.

We are grateful to Senator Daines for efforts he takes to protect our great state, its natural beauty and unique landscapes.

Just last October, Daines, along with other members of the U.S. House and Senate Western Caucuses, co-authored a report that outlined a plan to help protect our abundant natural resources.

The proposal, entitled “Western Conservation Principles” recommends prioritizing healthy and resilient landscapes to minimize risks of invasive species, degraded water sources, and wildfires to our wildlife habitat, agriculture, and fisheries. It also acknowledges climate change is a threat multiplier for many of these issues.

As volunteers with Montana Citizens’ Climate Lobby, we are thankful to Senator Daines and his colleagues for their work on this report. Rising temperatures and disrupted weather events due to climate change threaten the natural beauty we Montanans love and wish to conserve.

We’re proud to see Senator Daines and other members of our congressional delegation put forward important conservative ideas. We urge them continue to advance conservative environmental and climate solutions — especially those that will benefit our state.

Forest conservation and clean energy jobs and investment in clean energy will go a long way to benefit all of us.

Bills in Congress, such as the Forest Act and the Save Our Future Act will also get us going in the right direction.

We hope that Montana and the west that we know and love thrives for generations to come.

— Robin Paone, Whitefish

Military industrial complex

Matt Rosendale is where he should be, which tells me he’s not influenced by the military industrial complex. In short, he’s not taking money from the D.C. lobbyists. It’s all about money. More money gets power, power gets control.

On Jan. 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower gave the nation a dire warning about what he described as a threat to democratic government. He called it the military industrial complex, a formidable union of defense contractors and the armed forces. Eisenhower, a retired five-star Army general, the man who led the allies on D-Day, made the remarks in his farewell speech from the White House.

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.”

When nothing makes sense, follow the money lobbyists in D.C.

As a Navy veteran who joined during the Cuban Missile Crisis, I’ve seen a few things.

— Keith Atkinson, Lakeside