Saturday, June 01, 2024

Totaled car lands in carport

| January 11, 2011 2:00 AM

The Flathead County Sheriff’s Office got a report Sunday from a Falcon Lane resident in the Columbia Falls area who said that he returned home to find a totaled vehicle covered by a tarp in his carport. He had no idea who it belonged to, but called back later to report that it belonged to a friend who left it there.

There was a criminal mischief report on Trumbull Creek Road involving two mailboxes that had been damaged.

Someone calling from a Haywire Gulch Road residence reported being concerned about the horses of a neighbor where one horse was recently found dead.

There was a burglary report involving someone entering the Swan River School and egging the inside. It was unclear if anything was taken.

An irritated person called from a Woodland Road residence in the Columbia Falls area to say that three unwanted dogs keep hanging out in his yard.

There was a report of a disturbance involving an unwanted man at a Shefferd Lane residence in the Kalispell area. He was given a ride to a home in Trumbull Creek area.

A man calling from an Emerald Drive residence in the Whitefish area reported that his intoxicated wife had been abusive to him all day long in a dispute involving a Costco coupon. Both parties were counseled.

There was a disturbance report from a Hungry Horse business about an incoherent man, probably intoxicated, flopping around on the floor.

Kalispell Police arrested a man who had been threatening suicide and causing a disturbance on Fifth Avenue West Sunday afternoon.

A person called from a Kings Way residence and said her ex-boyfriend was at her home and refused to leave, but he eventually did.

A person called from the Kalispell Regional Medical Center emergency room at about 2 a.m. Monday to say they had been assaulted on North Meridian Road.

At about 2:30 a.m., someone called from a residence on the 500 block of Sylvan Drive to report there was a car stuck in a neighbor’s yard with its wheels spinning and a driver who was unable to speak. That led to the male driver being arrested for drunk driving, second offense, but instead of being taken to jail, he was transported by ambulance to the KRMC emergency room for medical treatment.

There was a report of about 30 gallons of gas being siphoned from a vehicle sometime over the weekend on the 1200 block of U.S. 2 West.

Whitefish Police received a report of an assault on Colorado Avenue Sunday afternoon.