Saturday, June 01, 2024

Cash-filled envelope turned in to police

| January 1, 2011 2:00 AM

A good citizen turned in an envelope filled with money to the Kalispell Police Department after finding it in a parking lot.

On Ninth Avenue West, a verbal disturbance was reported related to an angry man who said a shelter wouldn’t allow him to stay the night with his dog.

A man approached a group of juveniles he suspected of trespassing and doing drugs in a vehicle parked near Foys Lake Road. The vehicle drove away.

Someone stole a snowboard from the bed of a pickup parked near Hutton Ranch Road.

A burglary was reported on Third Avenue West.

Suspicious circumstances were reported on West Wyoming Street where a passerby saw someone in a parked vehicle with their head bowed down. The person was reading.

A hit-and-run collision was reported on Eighth Avenue West North.

An elderly female hung up on a 911 dispatcher after saying people were urinating in the hallway of a building on Second Avenue West.

At a business on North Main Street, someone reported being harassed by a group of Hispanic males wearing red bandanas. The caller said it’s an ongoing problem and that they have flashed knives in the past.

On Empire Loop, a concerned parent reported that their daughter was being stalked.

A woman on First Avenue West said her boyfriend was yelling, acting strange and attempting to climb in the window of her home.

Officers found nothing out of the ordinary after a caller on Eighth Street East reported hearing three gunshots.

Three women on East Idaho Street became angry when unopened alcohol containers were taken from them by an employee at a restaurant. Officers determined that it was a misunderstanding and the women left.

A woman on Fifth Avenue East said a suspicious vehicle was following her.

Someone rummaged through a vehicle parked on Fourth Avenue East, but nothing was stolen.

An electrical line fell across the roadway near the intersection of 18th Street East and Fifth Avenue East.

The Kalispell Fire Department responded to a building on East Idaho Street after someone reported seeing flames and smoke, but firefighters determined it was a false alarm.