Saturday, June 01, 2024


| March 7, 2008 1:00 AM

Kalispell police told someone operating a jackhammer at 11:15 p.m. to hold off on the project until morning.

A man was spotted driving down Liberty Street with an open can of beer in his hand.

A 10th Avenue West woman let her ex-boyfriend into her apartment, only to find later her guitar at a West Idaho Street pawn shop.

Tires were slashed at a bar on Woodland Park Drive.

Two people at a convenience store on U.S. 93 South were reported as suspicious persons for trying to bum a ride into Whitefish.

A man dressed in black was seen surreptitiously taking pictures of houses and cars on Fifth Avenue West.

A man asked not to take his wheelchair down the library stairs backward told police he was the victim of a hate crime.

A 16-year-old girl who couldn't get a ride to school must have decided to just not show up. She was reported as a runaway.

A man, who had been drinking, told police he was the victim of an assault. Officers advised him to stay away from both the bar and his alleged attacker's house.

A window was broken out of a car on North Main Street, but nothing was taken.

Officers convinced an unruly customer at a casino on North Main Street and an unwanted person at a Second Avenue East residence to leave before they got ticketed for trespassing.

Officers arrested a 16-year-old runaway during a traffic stop on West Idaho Street.

A 19-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of possession of alcohol after receiving reports of a suspicious person at a U.S. 93 South convenience store.

Tools and other items were stolen from two cars parked on Hilltop Avenue.

Five speakers and two amps were stolen out of a boat parked in front of a store on U.S. 93 South.

Someone tried to steal the radio from a vehicle parked at a hotel on U.S. 93 South, but were unsuccessful.

Garden equipment and a child's bike were stolen from the yard of a Seventh Street East home.

A gun was stolen from a car on Second Avenue East.

A 9-year-old boy who got lost on the way back to his Second Street West home was found, unharmed.