Saturday, June 01, 2024

Vintage vessels

by CANDACE CHASEThe Daily Inter Lake
| August 23, 2007 1:00 AM

Wood, antique boats make weekend splash

More than 20 antique and classic wood boats make a splash in Somers this weekend at the second annual boat show sponsored by the Big Sky Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society.

Alex Berry, a member of the society's board, invites the public to take part in the show from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday at the North Flathead Yacht Club.

According to Berry, a number of the boats featured in the show were built in the Flathead Valley.

"We've got a very rich history of wood boat building here," Berry said.

These early boat builders included Stan Young of Stand-Craft Boat Company and Ole Lee of Lee Craft Boat Company.

Interesting pre- and post-World War II wood boats on display include Chris Craft, Century, Hacker, Garwood and Lee Craft. An on-shore display features hand-crafted kayaks, canoes and other wood boats built by local craftsmen.

According to Berry, owners of antique and classic boats take great pride in extolling the virtues of "these mahogany beauties."

He suggested that people interested in learning more about wood boats come out and ask questions. Berry said owners enjoy talking about these boats- "especially theirs."

Berry said he started out as a sailboat enthusiast. He got involved in wood boats because many of his guests were reluctant to take a spin in a craft at the mercy of the winds.

He purchased a '59 Chris Craft to ferry his guests around Flathead Lake in secure comfort.

"It's quite a hoot," he said.

Berry became an enthusiastic member of the local chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society founded by Bill Eisenlohr, a Lakeside developer. Berry said that Eisenlohr was once in the boat-building business.

"He comes from a restoration background," he said.

The local society now has about 35 members and a five-member board. Berry, who has a marketing background, said the second annual show has added features, including a collectible poster.

Berry worked on the poster with illustrator Herb McAllister, a local artist and creator of "Froggy Doo," a puppet star of the 1960s Billings television show and soon-to-be-released movie starring Henry Winkler of "Happy Days" fame.

McAllister's art features a classic wood Chris Craft skippered by a bear on Flathead Lake. The public may buy the poster at the Saturday and Sunday show.

The Somers celebration also includes a public participation event. Berry said the Big Sky Chapter invites the public to bring their digital cameras and take photos of the overall show as well as individual boats for a contest.

Judges will consider the photographs' informative and artistic merit. Winners get a commemorative show poster and have their photo placed in the society's archives for future use with credits given to the photographers.

The close of the show Sunday provides fertile ground for shutterbugs. At 2 p.m., all the boats assemble behind the Flathead Sheriff's Department Lake Patrol for a parade down the West Shore, starting in Somers and continuing to Conrad Point.

To reach the show, take U.S. 93 south and turn off at the Somers exit. Go west at Del's Bar to the North Flathead Yacht Club. Free parking is available.

For additional information, contact Eisenlohr at 844-3981.

Reporter Candace Chase may be reached at 758-4436 or by e-mail at