Saturday, June 01, 2024

The Flathead County Sheriff's Office

| May 29, 2006 1:00 AM

The Flathead County Sheriff's Office reported that two lost and cold male hikers broke into the Blacktail Mountain Lodge to call for help Sunday afternoon.

A set of vending-machine keys was found at the intersection of Grand Drive and Montana 35.

A car was mooned by a passenger in another car Sunday afternoon on Farm-to-Market Road.

Two grizzly bears showed up Sunday evening in a backyard along Mooring Meadow Road and would not leave. The homeowner fired two shots over their heads. They stood up and growled at him before eventually leaving.

A woman hit a man with a 2-by-2 board and chased him with an ax Sunday evening on Hodgson Road.

A woman was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving early Monday morning.

Valley Storage reported several units broken into Monday.